DallasISD Curriculum Central
Adapted from Bloom’s Taxonomy of Education Objectives: Cognitive Domain, 1956 and Peabody Journal of Education
Curtsy of the 2001 Sylvan Teachers Institute governed by Dallas Independent School District, rewritten by Tessie Sanders
Pruisner, Peggy. (2009). Moving Beyond no Child Left Behind with the Merged Model for Reading Instruction. Tech Trends, 53 (2), 41-47.
American Memory: http://memory.loc.gov
The American President: http://www.americanpresident.org/home6.htm
Digital Classroom: http://www.nara.gov/education/classrm.html
Tomlinson, C. (1995). How to differentiate instruction in mixed ability classrooms. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
Tomlinson, C. (1995) The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children Irene Fountas and Gay Pinnell
Cunningham, P. Phonics They Use: Words for Reading and Writing. New York: Harper Collins, 2004
California Reading Task Force. Every Child A Reader. Sacramento, California: Department of Education 1995