2009-10 Standard Student Profile ESL Case Study Student Summary
Grade: 04 Limited Eng. proficient (LEP): Yes
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Special education: No
LEP program: One-way
Gender: Female
Special testing: No LEP program exit:
Birthdate: 12/21/1999
Dyslexic: No
English proficiency level: 3
Econ. Disadvantaged: Yes
504 status: No
Country of birth: UNITED STATES
Entered district: 2008-08-25 T
alented and Gifted: No
Lang. survey: ENGLISH / SPANISH
Reporting school:
TAG served: No Parental response date: A - 10/20/2009
Next year school:
State ID:
Immigrant: No
Student Group*: SSN: XXX-XX-XXXX
Migrant: No
*Contents of the "Student Group" field are determined and maintained by the campus.
Grade when tested 03 04
READING/ELA 2008, 2009, 2010
Scale score
Pass/Fail (Commended)
Test type (S=Spanish)
Objectives Items Correct
MATHEMATICS 2008 2009 2010
Scale score 2052
Pass/Fail (Commended) Fail
Test type (S=Spanish) TAKS
Objectives Items Correct
1: Numbers, Operations, Quan. Reasoning 6/10
2: Patterns, Relationships, Alg. Reasoning 5/6
3: Geometry and Spatial Reasoning 4/6
4: Concepts and Uses of Measurement 5/6
5: Probability and Statistics 2/4
6: Mathematical Processes and Tools 3/8
WRITING 2008, 2009, 2010
Scale score
Pass/Fail (Commended)
Test type (S=Spanish)
Objectives Items Correct
Norm-Referenced Tests
Grade when tested 03 04
LANGUAGE ARTS 08-09, 09-10
Tested with
Test Level
Subtests Pt GE Pt GE
Total Reading
Reading Vocabulary
Reading Comprehension
MATHEMATICS 08-09, 09-10
Tested with
Test Level
Subtests Pt GE Pt GE
Total Mathematics*
Math Problem Solving
Math Computation
*KN results are for "Kindergarten Mathematics" subtest.
Historical Data
05-06, 06-07, 07-08, 08-09, 09-10
-Grade 03 04
Class/Pod 3A 4A
Absences - - - 2
WMLS level 3
TELPAS comp.
BE/ESL Program BE
TAKS Reading/ELA
TAKS Math Fail
TAKS Writing
TAKS Social Stud.
TAKS Science
This is this student's first year taking a complete TAKS Assessment. Scores will be posted at end of May 2010 school year.
TESSIE SANDERS - portal.dallasisd.org - 03.14.2010 02:59:03 PM